1. The birth flower of October is the calendula.
2. On October 4, 1957 the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.
3. On October 5, 1947 the first presidential telecast address from the White House was made by President Harry S. Truman.
4. On October 12, 1492 Christopher Columbus landed in America.
5. On October 18, 1867 The U.S. flag was formally raised over Alaska.
This month has several national month designations.
1. National Cookie Month.
2. National Chilli Month.
3. National Pizza Month.
4. Lupus Awareness Month.
5. National Seafood Month.
I. Digging-Deeper: (Origins of the Congregational Church in North America).
In our month study of denominations, especially in the United States, we find as time goes on a mark difference in their counterparts in Europe. The American experience and experiment changed everything on this side of the Atlantic. An excellent example of this will be the Congregational Churches. They are a part of the earliest colonial experience in North America. The first noted congregation is found in Leyden, Massachusetts. On Christmas day 1620 the Pilgrims leave for North America with William Brewster as leader. It will not be until 1629 that a Congregational minister by the name of Ralph Smith will come and serve the congregants the Lord Supper.
Eventually a noted colony is established known as the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They represent a large migration of approximately twenty thousand people between decades of the 1630's and 1640's. One quarter of these colonist are Puritan of congregational belief. Uniquely, in New England there are strong ties between Church and State. Not until 1834 due we see a change in this situation. Since their inception, the minister's salaries were paid by public taxes. In this perceived uniformity there were two noted dissenters, Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams.
The Congregational tradition were interested in education of their people and those among whom they lived. This was true in America by founding the University at Harvard (1636), Yale (1701) and Dartmouth (1769). As migration west continued into the nineteenth century Congregationalist could be found in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. Their churches were interested in a "Plan of Union" in which churches of similar tradition could share resources. They did this in 1801. Later we will see a uniting of Congregationalist, Liberals, and Unitarians into one camp. Eventually we will see a union between Univeralist and Unitarians. By 1825 the Unitarians organize the "American Unitarian Association" eventually becoming the "Unitarian Univeralist Association"(1960). As the pressure to unite with various groups, the remaining Congregationalist who considered themselves trinitarian(believing in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) joined with other like traditions on the American landscape. In New England and in other sections of America, representatives of the early Restoration Movement including the O'Kelly Succession (Virginia), New England groups composed of Elias Smith, Abner Jones Freewill Baptists, plus the Christian Connection of Barton W. Stone merged as the Christian Church (1820's). Eventually, they will merge with the Congregational Churches in 1931 calling themselves the Congregational Christian Churches. These will unite again with the Evangelical and Reformed Churches in 1959 to become The United Church of Christ.
Eventually a noted colony is established known as the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They represent a large migration of approximately twenty thousand people between decades of the 1630's and 1640's. One quarter of these colonist are Puritan of congregational belief. Uniquely, in New England there are strong ties between Church and State. Not until 1834 due we see a change in this situation. Since their inception, the minister's salaries were paid by public taxes. In this perceived uniformity there were two noted dissenters, Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams.
The Congregational tradition were interested in education of their people and those among whom they lived. This was true in America by founding the University at Harvard (1636), Yale (1701) and Dartmouth (1769). As migration west continued into the nineteenth century Congregationalist could be found in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. Their churches were interested in a "Plan of Union" in which churches of similar tradition could share resources. They did this in 1801. Later we will see a uniting of Congregationalist, Liberals, and Unitarians into one camp. Eventually we will see a union between Univeralist and Unitarians. By 1825 the Unitarians organize the "American Unitarian Association" eventually becoming the "Unitarian Univeralist Association"(1960). As the pressure to unite with various groups, the remaining Congregationalist who considered themselves trinitarian(believing in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) joined with other like traditions on the American landscape. In New England and in other sections of America, representatives of the early Restoration Movement including the O'Kelly Succession (Virginia), New England groups composed of Elias Smith, Abner Jones Freewill Baptists, plus the Christian Connection of Barton W. Stone merged as the Christian Church (1820's). Eventually, they will merge with the Congregational Churches in 1931 calling themselves the Congregational Christian Churches. These will unite again with the Evangelical and Reformed Churches in 1959 to become The United Church of Christ.
II. Did You Know? (Communion or the Lord's Supper as a Sunday Observance)
I have noticed that many institutions in our culture have strict rules of procedure which guide that company, university, college or even military protocol. How much more should we seek the Biblical protocol of Apostolic Precedent in regards to the Lord's Supper. When the early Christians met they did so to remember the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for the sins of the world. Thus, the example of the Lord's Day, or the day that belongs to or is signified special in remembrance to the Lord. The indications of Biblical example would be, (Acts 20:7; I Cor. 16:2; and Rev. 1:10). Moreover, besides the precedent of Biblical examples, we see secular and Early Church Fathers noting that the Christian Community in their exercise of worship around the Lord's Table was on a fixed day as well established. Here are a few examples:
1. Governor Gaius Pliny: In his writing to the Roman Emperor Trajan regarding criminal elements in the empire and those who do not exhibit these traits. Christians were among the latter. In A.D. 112 he wrote: "...It was their custom to meet on a fixed day before daylight."
2. Justin Martyr: In writing in defense of the faith, dating about A.D. 110-138, recorded: "...On the day named after the sun, we hold a meeting on one place for all who live in the cities or the country near by...We all choose Sunday for our communal gathering because it the first day...and because Jesus, our Healing Savior, rose from the dead on the same day..." (First Apology: pp. 224-25).
3. Ignatius of Antioch: Wrote from A.D.100-105. He noted "...Those who have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observe the Sabbath, but living in the Observance of the Lord's Day... Let every friend of Christ keep the Lord's Day as a festival, the resurrection day, queen and chief of all days..."
So let us who "hold forth the Word of Life" find ourselves in unity with our spiritual fathers who found the Lord's Day and the observance of the Lord's Table a special week observance weekly.
3. Ignatius of Antioch: Wrote from A.D.100-105. He noted "...Those who have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observe the Sabbath, but living in the Observance of the Lord's Day... Let every friend of Christ keep the Lord's Day as a festival, the resurrection day, queen and chief of all days..."
So let us who "hold forth the Word of Life" find ourselves in unity with our spiritual fathers who found the Lord's Day and the observance of the Lord's Table a special week observance weekly.
III. NUGGETS OF NOURISHMENT: (A Sermon Outline- "Seven Secrets To Spiritual Success)
Text: Luke 5: 1-11
Introduction: All of us in our lives want to be successful. If you doubt this, look at the business section in any bookstore and see all the self-help sources. When we examine scripture we see God through His Church bring a whole new definition to what may entail success. Let us look at this early miracle by Jesus and his disciples on the Sea of Gallilee and see some significant principles that will give us spiritual success in Biblical terms.
I. Accept the Reality of the Limitations of Human Efforts and Plans.
The familiar surroundings of these Galilean fishermen gave them the steady confidence to do their work. However, on this occasion Peter, Andrew, James and John did all they knew to do and still came up empty in their fishing venture. In our lives we soon learn that our best efforts may fall far short. In fact, God may and often uses our failures to mold and teach us in His classroom. We must learn to trust Him in those private moments and ask, "Lord, what are you trying to teach me through this situation?" See struggles as a learning experience and opportunity to see God at work.
II. Trust the Word of Jesus Even If It Doesn't Make Sense. Even If you Feel Like a Failure-
How do you think these fishermen felt, taking advice from a carpenter turned preacher? They knew fishing and that was their business. However, there was something already in his manner and teaching that Peter replied, "...at your word..." At this point in the story it did not make sense to him, but they obeyed. Just like us, some things in life do no always make sense when it comes to the spiritual dimension, but we are wise to obey the word of the Lord. "All things work together for our good..."
III. Be Willing To Take Risks. Step out in Faith and Make Faith the Verb That It Is.-
When Jesus asked them to go, he told them into "deeper water." Yes, every great enterprise requires that we take risks. I have been a preacher and educator for many years now and when we have had to move, we sought the Lord and it was not always a clear path, but it was a known, prayerful path. There is an old hymn we used to sing in the Church, "If Jesus Goes With Me I'll Go, Anywhere."
IV. Persevere Even Through Disappointment and Fatigue.-
These fishermen were tired, they had fished all night. Think about it. They anticipated, focused in the dark but only to see empty nets. They were discouraged but were willing by faith in the words of Jesus to try one more time.
V. Remember the Importance of Teamwork.-
When success came, they all had to share in the burden that nearly sink their boat. Since Jesus was the ultimate focus, it did not matter who received the glory. The old acrostic worked again, TEAM-Together, Everyone, Achieves, More.
VI. Observe, God Can Give Us More Than We Ask Or Imagine.
This fishing expedition was "Epic." I am sure long after the Apostles were gone and may of their ancestors inherited the fishing business, stories were still being told about this and God's Grace through Jesus Christ. Yes, remember, our God delights in surprising us. (Read Ephesians 3:20)
VII. In All Else, Be Humble in Your Success.-
Peter did not take credit for this success, but was in awe and overwhelmed by Jesus. Because he knew the fishing business, he knew that there was and would never be another day like this. Peter came face to face with his own unworthiness. We to, realize this the more we work in the kingdom of God. Paul noted a team effort and success in I Corinthians when he said, "God gave the increase."
IV. QUOTES AND NOTES... ( Fourteen Blessings From Waiting On God)
1. Salvation- (Gen. 49:18; Ps. 62:1) Always more in scripture-
2. Daily Provision and Necessities- (Ps. 104:18-27; 145:14-15)
3. Instruction in His Word for Wisdom- (Ps. 25:2-4); 106: 13)
4. Answers to prayer- (Ps. 25:21; 40: 1-3)
5. Courage- (Ps. 27:14; 31:24)
6. Protection and Help- (Ps. 33:18-22)
7. Inheritance- (Ps. 37:7-9; 34)
8. Hope- (Ps. 130: 5-6)
9. Justice- (Isa. 26:8-9; 30:18)
10. Renewed Strength- (Isa. 40:31)
11. Blessings- (Isa. 30: 18; 64:4)
12. Boldness- (Isa. 49:23)
13. Goodness of God- (Lam. 3:25)
14. Power from the Holy Spirit- (John 16: 8-15; Acts 1; Acts 2:38 ff.)
Note: The fruit of the spirit provides all of these and more. Allow Christ to be LORD and you will be surprised how your life and mine will fall together in Peace and Joy and Blessing.
Here is a great Benediction from II Thessalonians 2:16-17: "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." (NIV) Have a great and God blessed October!!
II. Trust the Word of Jesus Even If It Doesn't Make Sense. Even If you Feel Like a Failure-
How do you think these fishermen felt, taking advice from a carpenter turned preacher? They knew fishing and that was their business. However, there was something already in his manner and teaching that Peter replied, "...at your word..." At this point in the story it did not make sense to him, but they obeyed. Just like us, some things in life do no always make sense when it comes to the spiritual dimension, but we are wise to obey the word of the Lord. "All things work together for our good..."
III. Be Willing To Take Risks. Step out in Faith and Make Faith the Verb That It Is.-
When Jesus asked them to go, he told them into "deeper water." Yes, every great enterprise requires that we take risks. I have been a preacher and educator for many years now and when we have had to move, we sought the Lord and it was not always a clear path, but it was a known, prayerful path. There is an old hymn we used to sing in the Church, "If Jesus Goes With Me I'll Go, Anywhere."
IV. Persevere Even Through Disappointment and Fatigue.-
These fishermen were tired, they had fished all night. Think about it. They anticipated, focused in the dark but only to see empty nets. They were discouraged but were willing by faith in the words of Jesus to try one more time.
V. Remember the Importance of Teamwork.-
When success came, they all had to share in the burden that nearly sink their boat. Since Jesus was the ultimate focus, it did not matter who received the glory. The old acrostic worked again, TEAM-Together, Everyone, Achieves, More.
VI. Observe, God Can Give Us More Than We Ask Or Imagine.
This fishing expedition was "Epic." I am sure long after the Apostles were gone and may of their ancestors inherited the fishing business, stories were still being told about this and God's Grace through Jesus Christ. Yes, remember, our God delights in surprising us. (Read Ephesians 3:20)
VII. In All Else, Be Humble in Your Success.-
Peter did not take credit for this success, but was in awe and overwhelmed by Jesus. Because he knew the fishing business, he knew that there was and would never be another day like this. Peter came face to face with his own unworthiness. We to, realize this the more we work in the kingdom of God. Paul noted a team effort and success in I Corinthians when he said, "God gave the increase."
IV. QUOTES AND NOTES... ( Fourteen Blessings From Waiting On God)
1. Salvation- (Gen. 49:18; Ps. 62:1) Always more in scripture-
2. Daily Provision and Necessities- (Ps. 104:18-27; 145:14-15)
3. Instruction in His Word for Wisdom- (Ps. 25:2-4); 106: 13)
4. Answers to prayer- (Ps. 25:21; 40: 1-3)
5. Courage- (Ps. 27:14; 31:24)
6. Protection and Help- (Ps. 33:18-22)
7. Inheritance- (Ps. 37:7-9; 34)
8. Hope- (Ps. 130: 5-6)
9. Justice- (Isa. 26:8-9; 30:18)
10. Renewed Strength- (Isa. 40:31)
11. Blessings- (Isa. 30: 18; 64:4)
12. Boldness- (Isa. 49:23)
13. Goodness of God- (Lam. 3:25)
14. Power from the Holy Spirit- (John 16: 8-15; Acts 1; Acts 2:38 ff.)
Note: The fruit of the spirit provides all of these and more. Allow Christ to be LORD and you will be surprised how your life and mine will fall together in Peace and Joy and Blessing.
Here is a great Benediction from II Thessalonians 2:16-17: "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." (NIV) Have a great and God blessed October!!