Wednesday, July 31, 2019


                                               By Dr. Keith J. Wise

INTRODUCTION: August is an interesting month.  The month August was named after the Emperor Augustus.  You remember this gentleman, he was the emperor who was in charge when Jesus was born.  He had a colorful history and background which we could not exhaust here, but he is significant.  He ordered the census that would span several years in the Roman Empire to determine the per capita potential for taxation.  He would have never thought that his edict would send a humble couple from Galilee to Bethlehem for a singular birth.  For us, this is a month of completing those last vacation times of sun and surf and the beginnings of garden harvests in the mid-west and other parts of the country.  It can be hot and cooler within a weeks time.  It also a time to reflect on our blessings and the God that made them possible. Hopefully this blog will inspire you to look up from your busy tasks and distractions and remember that there is a living God who is vitally interested in you and your life and goals.  If He knows when the sparrow falls, he is vitally informed about you. We all have an appointment with Him and His desire is that your joy be full. (John 15:11)

I. DIGGING DEEPER... A Study of the Prophet and Judge Samuel

We have been looking at the life of Samuel the Prophet and last Judge.  We have seen his special and unique birth and calling.  He comes at a turning point in the life and history of Israel as we observe a secular approach to the rule of the Judges now being replaced by Kings.  As earlier noted,(see June edition), regulations for the king were given by Moses' handbook (Deut. 17:14-20), and Hannah's prayer spoke of Yahweh strengthening his king (I Sam.2:10). Note: Some of these references are prophetic referencing Jesus the Messiah.

The people, however, requested a king in a desire for visible security.  They have no hope that Samuel's sons will follow as faithful judges (8:1-3), and they don't want to wait until the next invasion for a deliverer to arise.(As we see in the book of Judges).   Better to have a permanent king who will fight their battles (8:19-20).  Their failure to completely trust Yahweh for safety will mean higher taxes to support a defense complex, a  costly central bureaucracy, and a draft to establish a standing army(8:10-18).  What a price to pay for a lack of faith!  Similar to our modern world, we want the immediate in place of the long term security of God through Christ Jesus.

Saul as King: Saul is privately anointed, then publicly proclaimed by the Lord's direction. Similar to other judge figures like him, he is empowered by the Spirit of God to deliver his people from an oppressor ( I Sam 11).  This initial victory leads to complete acceptance of Saul as King.

Saul initially is a successful King. He defeats Israel's enemies, freeing them from outside oppression (14:47-48).  He worships Yahweh, not idols (14:35, 15:31), and expels mediums and spiritists from Israel (28:3).  David praises him for having  brought economic prosperity as well (II Sam. 1:24). 

The tragedy of King Saul and his removal as King also referencing his line of successors will be eliminated. I Samuel chapter 13-15 focuses on two particular failures.

  • not following instructions to wait for Samuel to offer a pre-battle sacrifice;
  • and not carrying out herem (a complete destruction or genocide) of the Amalekites as commanded by the Lord through Samuel. (Note later consequences of not obeying this order in the book of Esther with Haman and his ancestry- Feast of Purim for the Jews)
Both of these failures show that Saul had a mistaken notion of kingship-one that Yahweh will not bear.  The notion: that like other ancient kings, Israel's king would be an absolute monarch-- that his rule would be law was in fact in error. 
No, Israel already has a law given by God, not developed by the king.  Also, Yahweh speaks through prophets.  That word is higher than the king.  Moses specifically warned about the king considering himself above the Law (Deuteronomy 17:18-20).  In contrast, like Joshua, the king was to be a student of the Law that he might obey it. He would model obedience before the people.  Torah is higher than the King.  Prophet is higher than King.  Both are Yahweh's instruction.  Later we will see the absolute secular view during the period of the Babylonian Captivity when the "Law of the Medes and Persians" once given could not be refuted, only changed by another edited law. (Again, see the book of Esther and the saving of the Jewish people.)

For Saul's first disobedience to Samuel's instruction, Saul loses the right  to pass on the kingship to his sons (13:13-14).  At his second failure to carry out orders, he loses his own right to the throne. (15:26).  This then, prepared for David who we will study next month.


1. Whose horses were swifter than Leopards?  Answer: According to Habakkuk 1:6,8  they were the Chaldeans. 

2.  Who said every kind of beast and bird had been tamed by man?  Answer: James in the book of James- 3:7

3. To what animal are both Jesus and Satan compared?  Answer: The "Lion"- Revelation 5:5 and Revelation 22:16.  I Peter asserts that Satan is also a lion. I Peter 5:8

4. When did God keep dogs from barking? Answer: At the time of the last "plague" of the Egyptians. (see Exodus 11:7)

5. Who fed dragon meat to animals and birds?  Answer: The Lord, Ezekiel 29:5. Also see verses 2,3.  Dragon in context was a metaphor for the Pharaoh of Egypt.

III. NUGGETS OF NOURISHMENT... A sermon on the 2nd Coming.

Text: Acts 1:10,11

Introduction: All who believe the scriptures acknowledge the second coming of Jesus Christ. In our text today we see words of the two angels to the Apostles as he ascended into heaven. This affirms several dimensions of this aspect of Christian teaching through the ages as we believe Christ will return.

I. The Certainty of Jesus' Second Coming-
   A. There are over 300 direct and indirect references to Jesus' coming in the Greek word parousia.  This word means "coming" or "presence."

   B. Inspiration affirms: "Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eyes shall see him, and they also which pierced him; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.  Even so, Amen." (Rev. 1:7)

   C. Jame, John, Peter, and Paul explicitly taught Jesus is coming again. (James 5:7, I John 3:2, II Peter 1:16, Phil. 3:20)

   D. Jesus himself said he would return. (John 14:1-3)

II. The Manner of His Coming-
   A. Jesus shall personally return, "this same Jesus" (Acts 1:11)

   B. His return shall be audible (John 5:28, "shall hear"), visible (Rev. 1:7, "every eye shall see him"), and unexpectedly (Matt.25:13, "know neither the day nor the hour...").

   C. Jesus' coming shall be characterized by majesty and grandeur (Matt.25:31, II Thess. 1:1-7)

III. The Time of Jesus' Return-
   A. No man knows when Jesus is returning (Matt. 24:36).
       1. The same verse says the angels do not know, only the Father.
       2.  Furthermore, Jesus (while in the flesh) did not know (Mark 13:32).  We
            are given general information, however, but we can not know "the day
            and hour." (see II Thess. 2:1-12, Rev. 20)

 IV. Prevailing Conditions on Earth When Jesus Returns-
   A. The scriptures show indifference will be prevailing when Jesus returns (Matt.24:37-39).  As these verse allude, most will be unprepared.

   B. There will also be a false sense of spiritual security experienced by man at Christ's coming. (I Thess. 5:2,3)

   C. Greed, selfishness, and general depravity will be common (II. Tim.3:1-5).

V. The Purpose of Jesus' Return-
   A. Jesus shall raise "all" the dead at His coming, both those who have "done good" and those "that have done evil." (John 5:28,29)

   B. Jesus shall judge all men at his return (Matt.25:31-46).  Men shall be judged based on their deeds and God's Word shall be the standard. (Romans 2:6, II Cor. 5:10, John. 12:12:48)  The wicked shall be assigned to everlasting punishment and the righteous to life everlasting (Matt.25:46).  The righteous living "shall be caught up together with them (dead in Christ-vs.16 in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord." (I Thess. 4:13-18)

   C. Jesus is not coming to establish some governmental kingdom as we understand it, but a "glorified" kingdom beyond the "kingdom" of the Church established on Pentecost. This kingdom will be "delivered up" to the Father(I Cor.15:24).

Conclusion: Instead of wild speculation that often is taught by various T.V. Evangelist or denominations, let us prepare ourselves in "righteousness"  and holy lives to greet this great august event. (Matt.24:42, I Thess.5:6-9)


1. Influence: "Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means." (Albert Einstein)

2. Marriage: "A man marries a woman hoping she won't change, but she does.  A woman marries a man hoping he will change, but he doesn't." [Laurie Baker, quoted in QUOTE, Vol. 53, pg. 153]

3. Prayer: "Men are looking for better methods, God is looking for better men." E.M. Bounds, Power Through Prayer.

4. Character: "Building boys is better than mending men." (Old YMCA Pledge)

5. Psychological Awareness: "Worry is interest due on trouble before it is due."