Saturday, February 29, 2020


I. Introduction: The month of March brings on those subtle variations that allow us to remember the changes of the seasons.  We may still have some winter weather here and there, but we begin to see some green grass, softer ground and somethings a series of very windy days.  I remember as a young person, my mother buying my siblings and I paper kites with which we flew, with our friends, various kites in an open field.  It was amazing how some of my chums got the hang of putting tails on their kites and watching them twist and turn in the wind over the hills of Steubenville, Ohio. The creativity of humanity has been for me a wonderful experience to behold. It speaks to the optimism of the future and its potential for all of us.

II. DIGGING DEEPER... A Comparison Between Elijah and John the Baptist

      The Prophet Elijah was an important individual in the Old Testament.  He was seen by Jewish sages and tradition as appearing before the coming of Messiah.  In fact, the Jewish leaders at the time of Jesus taught that the before the Messiah could come, Elijah would appear.  After the Transfiguration, in the context of our text, (Matt. 17) the disciples questioned Jesus concerning the coming of Elijah to certify this awaited Messianic figure.  Jesus told them that Elijah "had in deed come" as the forerunner of the Messiah in John the Baptist(Matthew 17:10-13). What John significantly did was to prepare and set in place the coming of the Christ in Jesus. In turn, the historic footprint is declared by the Church that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.   Here are a few  comparisons between these two giants of the Old and New Testaments. 

 EVENT                                         ELIJAH                      JOHN THE BAPTIST

1. Place of Living                      Hide by a brook                   In the Desert

                                                     (I Kings 17:3)                      (Matt. 3:4)

2. Food                                       Ravens fed Him                Locust and Wild Honey

                                                     (I Kings 17:6)                       (Matt. 3:4)

3. Message                               Calamity of Nations            Judgement to come

                                                   "call to repentance"           "call to repentance"   

                                                    (I Kings 18:39)              (Matthew 3:5, Luke 3:12) 

4. Influence-Multitudes     Personality Compelling  Different Peoples come to hear

                                                    (I Kings 18)                (Matthew 3:5; Luke 3:12-14)

5. In the presence of Kings     Ahab and Jezebel         Herod Antipas and Herodias 

                                                    (I Kings 21:19)                   (Matthew 14:4)  

6. Rage of an Evil Women           Jezebel                                 Herodias

                                                     ( I Kings 29:2)                   (Matthew 14:5-8)

7. The Dark Hour                       Ref. (I Kings 29:4)            (Matthew 11:2)

8. Extraordinary End                 Ref. (II Kings)               (Matthew 14:11)  


9. Loyalty of Disciples                 II Kings 16:17               (Matthew 14:12) 

III. DID YOU KNOW? ... You Can Meet With God Daily... An Insight... 

     Introduction: One of the great benefits and blessings of the Christian life is coming to God and spending time with Him when there are no emergencies, crises, or distractions.  True meditation is Life Meditation day by day.  So many contemporary society want to go into a trance or some kind of unworldly state to somehow feel they are connecting with God.  This is pagan!!   This author believes that the God of the Bible declared and revealed as Jesus Christ can bring genuine mediation into balanced perspectives to our hectic lives. The Holy Spirit will escort you and I into true meditory healing and a sound mind (II Tim.1:7). In the western world, we are too busy, and often neglect this vital exercise to our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual detriment.  But please consider and ask yourself, " many times do I check my cell phone and fiddle with it every day?"  Calls, contacts, texting... all comprise our daily lives with trivia and noise and distract our concentration.  How about time with the Creator and the Savior?" He made you...He knows you.

Let me suggest a system to help reduce your stress and give you a new perspective.  There are many versions of this but let me title this one as: "The Ladder of Prayer and Daily Devotion. Here are the categories:


   A. PRAISE- Notice we begin and end with "praise" on our list.  I will begin with the first praise category and use it as a templet for the other areas that follow:

Here is how we begin with scripture: "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving; and into His courts with praise..." (Psalm 100:4)  "Let my mouth be filled with your praise..."(Psalm 71:8), "My lips shall praise you...and my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips." (Psalm 63:3,5), "I myself will awake early, I will praise you Lord." (Psalm 108:2)

Start each day with these and other Psalms that contain the word "PRAISE." You will be surprised at how many Psalms are filled with this word. You will enter your day with a positive attitude to tackle the challenges of the day that we each must face as we walk out the door.

   B. Another avenue of worship and PRAISE is to read great thoughts of other generations, and if you are a singer, sing the great hymns of the faith that have sustained countless Christian believers.  Get an old hymnbook and read the lyrics and if you don't sing just... CONSIDER: "O Worship the King," "Praise Him, Praise Him," "Holy, Holy, Holy," "O For a Thousand Tongues To Sing", "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name." 

NOW: Look at the categories above and use the same templet with scripture and hymns.  It will transform and heal your thinking and growing as a child of God.  This is not just for specialized leaders like Ministers, Elders, Deacons etc.  This is for the Christian in our daily uses of the currency of Faith, and seeing it change our life experience to please God. 

IV. NUGGETS OF NOURISHMENT...Sermon: Faith That Works...

Text: John 4:46-54

Introduction: Jesus was in the business of fulfilling the credentials of the Messiah declared in Jewish scripture when he was here on earth.  The context of this particular miracle of the official's son, as you read above, Jesus had just come back to Galilee where he had previously turned the water into wine at a wedding feast.  After that miracle, his activity and reputation in Jerusalem now followed him back to Galilee by word of mouth. In that Jesus had filled desperate needs of others elsewhere, a belief had propelled this official to intervene for his son. According to his own words, this son was "close to death."  To put it simply, in our economy, the dollar is our medium of exchange; but in the Kingdom of  Heaven, faith is the medium of exchange. (Matt.9:29; Heb.11:6)  In our case, we need not only to possess faith, but also, faith needs to posses us.  We need a mighty faith because we have a mighty God.


      A. This man's faith was based upon signs and wonders;he depended upon his  five senses rather than the Word of God in active mode.

      B. Jesus had performed a miracle at Cana; because of this, many people followed after Him, seeking a miracle rather than seeking the Messiah.           (John 2:23-25)

      C. Jesus performed many signs and wonders, as did the early apostles.  The point of these miracles was the we might believe on Jesus; that we would seek a Savior rather than a sign. Acts 2:22; John 20: 30-31; II Cor. 12:12; Heb. 2:4; Matt. 12:39.

      D. What is wrong with seeking a sign?

            1. It dishonors God. (I John 25:10; John 20:25-31)

            2. It can be deceiving. (Matt. 24:24; II Thess. 2:9; Rev. 13:13-14)


        A. He Heard the Word of God. (John 4:49-53) Faith is not receiving from God what you want; faith is accepting from God what He gives. Faith is taking God at His Word.

         B. He Believed the Word of God. (John 4:50) Rom. 14:23.

         C. He Obeyed the Word of God. (John 4:50-51) Rom. 16:26; James 2:26

         D. He Rested in the Word of God. (John 4: 51-53) Psalm 37:5-7


         A. All of the miracles of Jesus point to a greater miracle, which is the new birth brought about after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for us on this side of the cross. (Luke 19:10; Matthew 9:12) Consider New Testament conversions beyond the four gospels when the new covenant in His blood was commanded to be delivered.(Matt. 28:19f.)

   CONCLUSION: What good are miracles if we never surrender to the Lordship of Christ and obey His salvation in Faith, Repentance, Confession, and Baptism? What good is it to be healed if we eventually die without the resurrection of Jesus?  Note: Jesus still performs miracles, but we must never substitute the miracle for the Miracle Worker, Christ himself.  There is new life only in Christ. See the examples of conversion in the book of Acts by the authority of the Apostles.  Christ is life and He is Light... COME OUT OF THE DARKNESS!!

IV. QUOTABLE QUOTES... Words to Live by...

1. "No power in society, no hardship in our condition can depress you, keep you down, in knowledge, power, virtue, influence, but by your own consent." (Channing)

2. "Spending what should be prudently saved, or saving what should be prudently spent, are both wrong." (Owen Young)

3. "When we look at the world in a broad, generous, friendly spirit, what wonderful people we find in it.  It is not he that searches for praise that finds it." (Ronald Reagan) 

4. "The greatest and noblest pleasure which men can have in this world is to discover new truths; and the next is to shake off old prejudices." (Frederick the Great)





Friday, January 31, 2020


                                                           by Dr. Keith J. Wise

I. INTRODUCTION: February is the month of "Ground Hog Day," "President's Day" along with "Valentines Day." What a contrast of anticipation of the future and a wholesome reflection of the past.  In a humorous fashion we think about pulling a "ground-hog" out of its den after hibernation and determining if we are going to have six more weeks of winter, or if Spring is just around the corner.  On President's Day we recognized the office of President of the United States.  There have been all kinds and types of Presidents in the Oval Office.  However, the idea behind this day is to remember that "God guides the heart of the king..." We as Americans have always understood that this country was conceived in an unusual providential fashion.  Its leaders, to be effective, must look to God for wisdom and understanding, both of its people and the knowledge that their tenure is temporary.  Furthermore, that future generations with judge them in their time. What about Valentine's Day?  Where did it start?  The tradition tells of a young Christian named Valentine, so one of the variations stories goes, was imprisoned in ancient Rome because of his faith.  Longing for his loved ones, he sought a way to let them know of his well-being and affection for them.  Within reach outside his cell window grew a cluster of violets.  Picking some of them, he pierced the heart-shaped leaves and with these words, "Remember Your Valentine," he sent  them off with a friendly dove.  On subsequent days he sent more messages that simply said, "I love you."  Since that time, it has become a tradition to send cards or flowers or remembrances of love.

II. DIGGING DEEPER... A Greek word study on "Inheritance"

In at least sixteen New Testament references our eternal hope as Christians is described as an "inheritance."  The most visual and beautiful of these pictures is found in I Peter 1:3-5.  Since all three words begin with the negative "a"in the Greek, is it good to use a devise in English to better understand their emphasis as "uncorruptible," "undefiled," and "unfading."  Barnes, the commentator, aptly describes the glory of the inheritance, saying "Here, (on earth) no one can be heir of a large inheritance of gold or houses without danger of sinking into indolence, wickedness or vice; but there the inheritance may be enjoyed forever and the soul continually advance in knowledge, holiness, and active service of God..."

Some inheritances disappear through waste or dishonesty before they are claimed, but Peter affirms that this one is reserved for us by God the Father. Not only so, but we are "guarded" so that we shall be able to receive and enjoy it.  This is a military term describing a garrison sentried carefully so that no enemy might intrude, and also that none within it might go out.

Finally, three prepositions explain fully the way we are garrisoned with the sacred enclosure that insures our inheritance: In the power of God; through our own faith; and unto salvation.  In dramatic fashion these three prepositions declare respectively the 1.)means of our security--"the power of God" without which we would have no more chance of obtaining the inheritance than an ancient city would have for safety without a guarded wall; 2.) the method of our protection--"our faith" without which we would in fear or treachery forsake the fortress; and (3) the motive for the guardianship that we might receive the prepared salvation in heaven.

III. NUGGETS OF NOURISHMENT... A Sermon Outline of the Lord's Prayer

Title: "God Talk...Vistas of the Lord's Prayer"

Text: Matthew 6:5-13

Introduction: Have you ever thought about how you address God?  If God the Father was so concerned about our lives to save us, then through Christ create a vibrant, loving relationship  with us, it must be important in the way we address Him.  Jesus in his masterful Sermon on the Mount, (Matthew chapters 5-7), prescribes and invites us to listen in on how we should address God.  It reveals dynamic principles that can change us into a new reality of rebirth and life concerning our walk with God.  In Luke's rendering of this occasion, the disciples were so impressed with the pattern of Jesus Christ that they beseeched him and and asked, "...Lord, teach us to Pray."(Luke 11: 1ff.) Let us take a minute and consider this as a beginning point of our intimacy with God as we finish the first month of 2020, and begin the second.




IV. PROVISION OF OUR "GOD TALK." Vs. 11 "This day.." living in the "NOW."  Question: What is your provision need today?

V. ILLUMINATING OUR HEARTS WITH A NEW GRACE. Vs. 12, also 14,15)The Father wants nothing to spoil our hearts.



IV. QUOTABLE QUOTES... Words to Live By...........................................

1. "Advice is like snow; the softer it falls the longer it dwells upon, the deeper it sinks into the mind." Samuel Coleridge

2. "Be Americans. Let East, or West; you are all dependent one on another, and should be one in union.  Observe justice and good faith toward all nations; have neither passionate hatreds nor passionate attachments to any; and be independent politically of all.  In one word, be a nation; be Americans, and be true to yourselves."  George Washington- 1st President of the United States (1732-1799)

3. "Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome." Samuel Johnson