Tuesday, April 30, 2019


                                      WONDERFUL WORD OF LIFE...

 By Dr. Keith J. Wise...

I. INTRODUCTION: The month of May is a month we remember Mothers and the Memorials to fallen men and women in service to our country.  We hear much drivel today about "boarders do not count" and "we are citizens of the world."  But try to say that to those who saw America as a light on a hill, and the example of hope and inspiration to whole generations of people who have preceded us.

    Memorial Day is a special day we remember collectively; and, by remembering, we judge ourselves and our values in life.  A nation, like individual, is the sum of all the preceding characters that has contributed to it.  There is the best and the worst, both made profitable by a just conscience, which recognizes and decides between them.  The light of high endeavor never goes out; the torch passes from generation to generation borne safely amid tumult and peace, amid onslaught and reverence.  

    There is a flag, seen tiny against a field of green and white, which flutters above the bivouac of Arlington National Cemetery. There is a wreath visibly adorning the home of every family whose fathers and mothers lived worthily that the race might be nobly preserved.  There is a faith which, enriched by all these lives, is the deathless guerdon of a people who dares not, nor wishes to forget.

II. DIGGING DEEPER... A Look at Hebrews Chapter 2...some answers-

Overarching our interest are a number of books of the New Testament that confirm Historical and Doctrinal Christianity.  One of the most revealing is the book of Hebrews.  Chapter 2 of Hebrews has any number of cardinal truths of Christianity that illuminates some powerful meanings and clarifies our understanding of Christ, His resurrection and our benefit from such a sacrifice for humanity.

A. For instance: What are some cardinal truths of the phrase "to what we have heard" in verse 1 of chapter 2?  Answer: God created man, man fell from perfection to sin and death in the garden.  Furthermore, God was not willing to see man stay in that state of eternal destruction, but provided a means of revealing a restored salvation for man in His time. (See promises in Gen. 3:15) Also look at I Thessalonians 5:23. God sent Jesus Christ in the form of flesh to save the world, and the Church to provide the community of life to support mankind. God sent the Holy Spirit to strengthen, support, and deliver man from the oppression of the evil one.  In short, man accepts the free gift of God's grace by faith and obedience through repentance and baptism as prescribed by the models of the early church as the Apostles directed it. (see the book of Acts)

B. A "confirmation" process was accomplished to seal such salvation and reconciliation to God. Our writer gives us at least four of these amazing proofs: "signs, wonders, various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit."

C. Verse three of chapter 2 notes that God's Salvation is "great."  Consider the following reasons why this salvation is "great."  This salvation was announced by the Lord, it was confirmed by those who heard him (the Apostles), and it was testified or witnessed by God himself.  All of this is found in verse 3.  

D. Christ was made "perfect" or complete through His suffering  to bring "many sons to glory." Although the Lord Jesus Christ was perfect, our writer re-echos this truth in Hebrews 5:8 when he says, "Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered..."

E. Question: In what way does Satan have the power of death as noted in verse 14 of chapter 2 over humanity?  Answer: He does so by his attempt to inflict "double death" by both condemning us in the body(physical death) and the soul(spiritual death.) Death means "separation" in both languages of the Bible.  In reality it is the enemies ploy to separate us Physically, Spiritually and Eternally from God. Christ has countered him in checkmate by "justification"(just as if we never sinned and "reconciliation"(perfect renewal of our relationship with God), of the fallen human race. (Romans 5:8-9; Colossians 1:20-22 & Colossians 2:12,13)

F. In chapter 2 of Hebrews Paul, our author of Hebrews, explains again to believing Jews who had accepted Jesus as Messiah but were being persecuted and were in danger of leaving the faith.  He illuminates three great truths for us all. 1.) As man, Christ Jesus paid the penalty of sin- (I Peter 2:24),  as God he proves the power of God to bring peace to the human heart and restores love to our sinful nature. (John 3:16).  Finally, as Christ (the anointed one of God) he is the only one mediator between God and man. (I Tim. 2:5)

III. DID YOU KNOW? Missed Opportunities... a Reflection.

History is filled with examples of people who if they would have had their eyes open, would have seen some great opportunities that they apparently missed.  Here are a few: 

   A Nottingham plumber submitted to the British War Office in 1911, a design for a tank--a then unknown military device.  Across the drawing, in red ink, was written the official comment: "This man is mad."

   When George Westinghouse had perfected his air-brake, in 1875, he offered it to Commodore Vanderbilt.  The railroad magnate returned Westinghouse's letter, with these words scribbled across the bottom.  "I have no time to waste on fools."

   One day a stranger approached Mark Twain with a request for $500, for which he would sell half interest in his invention.  Twain, "bit" several time before, refusing flatly.  However, out of courtesy he asked the stranger his name.  "Bell," the man replied, as he turned away, "Alexander Graham Bell."

IV. NUGGETS OF NOURISHMENT... Remember On Memorial Day... (Sermon)

Introduction: If we look around at this time of year in the month of May and elsewhere, memorials are present to remind us. Examples might be: cemeteries some of which are well kept and others even forgotten on hillsides or in fallen timbers. Signs along the highway symbolized by white wooden crosses to memorialize those killed in traffic accidents. There is a great monument like the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington DC and the one that travels around the United States. I could go on and on with examples but it should not come to our surprise that there are memorials in God's Word. The word "remember" is used over 250 times in the Bible.

Consider: A. The Rainbow- Genesis 9:12-17

                  B. The Name of God- Exodus 3:13-14; John 8:58,59

                  C. The Passover- Exodus 12:13-14; Exodus 13:8-10

                  D. The Twelve Stones from the Jordan River- Josh.4:1-9

                  E. The Sabbath Day for the Jews- Exodus 20:8; Deut. 5:15

                  F. The Woman Who Anointed Jesus- Matt. 26:6-13

                  G. The Lord's Supper on the Lord's Day-Luke 22:15-20;Acts 20:7;

                        I Corinthians 11:23-29

Conclusion: Remembrance and Repentance are two words fused together in some remarkable ways. Revelation 2:5 to the Church of Ephesus,  the Apostle John will communicate the very words of Jesus with regard to this famous congregation. "Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place--unless you repent."