JUNE EDITION... 2019- The Month of Blooming and Growing...
By Dr. Keith J. Wise
I. Introduction: This is the month of graduation "Open Houses"Father's Day and Flag Day. Why celebrate these symbols of home and country? We live in an era far different than those of our father's and our childhood for those of us who are baby boomers. We remember the sacrifices of our father's and mother's in WWII and Korea. Furthermore, our blood as "baby boomers" in Vietnam and our children's blood in the Middle East. Sacrifices for freedom in America is not a theory but a living reality! We are often troubled by pseudo-facts, false reporting and visions of "division" which melt away with common ground realities. Our families, futures and opportunities for the next generations lie before us. May those who follow find us faithful.
Over the history of our country, which is one of the most remarkable phenomena of the world, she stands as an epic example. Let me suggest an acrostic to humbly describe our nation. AMERICA...
A... The arena of our beautiful landscapes with wide plains, snow covered mountain peaks and note with nostalgic pride the wikiaups and wigwams of native Americans. Each of our states is as wealthy as some nations in the world. Grace has been shown to us in these natural vistas.
M... The majesty and maturity of the broad shoulders of our pioneers; the blood of legal immigrants seeking a better life and adding to this glimmer of swinging axes, a Bible to be read and followed, and a gun to supply food and protection that built a nation.
E... The energy of industry that built the nation in the Industrial Revolution and the positive Environmental Movements that seek to keep our land, water and air clean for healthy non-political reasons. Tools of hard working people in mind, body and soul.
R... The reaching out of our strong hand to the world in friendship and cooperation toward all who love freedom, justice and peace. We reach not to exploit but engage in enlightenment.
I... Represents the individual American whose ingenuity and creativity stands to bless the world. Not a collectivism that has failed to bless national peoples elsewhere, but a shared vision of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Opportunity to become more than we are above ourselves and subject to a loving God who holds us accountable to each other.
C... Unleashing the creativity of man in a new freedom, harnessed to the betterment of mankind. America has been the seedbed of new technologies and life.
A... Submission to an Almighty God who lives and examples true sacrifice of His Son for us. Yes, "a" man and women on their knees in prayer, symbolizing a nation which recognizes its creator and gives thanks for His blessings. Submitted and committed to something beyond themselves...we voice "gratitude."
Yes...my fellow Americans...AMERICA... is a beautiful is word.
II. DIGGING DEEPER... The Fulfillment of the Law of the Old Testament...
When one begins a serious study of the whole Bible we are captivated by its triggers and timely prophecies. As we honestly admit, Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all the prophesies of the Jewish Scriptures as Messiah. We can not erase or ignore the Messianic hope of the Jewish people as Jesus boldly declares in Luke 24:44 "...Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms."
Ironically, Jesus denied any wish to abolish the Law or the Prophets but predicted their fulfillment (Matt. 5:17-18). Jesus himself brings the Law to fulfillment in a number of ways.
First, he fulfills the sacrificial system. The sacrifices ordained by the Law could not take away sins (Heb.10:3), they had a to be continually repeated (Heb.7:27), and were offered by imperfect and finite priests (Heb.7:23-28). They were part of a temporary covenant (8:13), that was a picture of the ultimate fulfillment, but they were unable to bring about forgiveness of sin (9:9-10, 10:1-3). For this reason the book of Hebrews calls the New Covenant a "better" and "superior" covenant (8:6). The first or Mosaic Covenant is made "obsolete" (8:13) and applied only "until the time of the new order" (9:10).
Second, Jesus fulfills the righteousness of the Law. Paul declares the whole world guilty before God- the Jew with the Law and the Gentile without it. Some Gentiles were even able to live as righteously as their Jewish neighbors who had God's Law. (Substitute non-Christian and Christian and check out you own neighborhood.) The bottom line on earning righteousness is: "No one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin" (Romans 3:20) Paul, however, denies that he is nullifying the Law. He insists the he is upholding or establishing it (3:31). The righteousness of the Law is not established by keeping it for merit before God. That is doomed to failure. The righteousness of the Law is established by receiving the gift of righteousness in obedience of Faith as declared in the New Covenant that Peter declared on Pentecost. (Romans 9:30-31; Acts 2:30 ff; Romans 6:1-14). Christ is the end of the Law (Rom.10:4)- not only because he inaugurated a new covenant to replace it, but because he achieved its righteous standard for all who believed and obeyed it. As it plays out, this is Grace as portrayed visibly in the world. Christ satisfies the righteous demands of the Law. It is in him that we "become the righteousness of God" (II Cor. 5:21).
Our focus as Christians is not the keeping of the Law as a merit system, but Jesus Christ himself. Our response is based on gratitude for what God has done in Christ. We love him because he first loved us (I John 4:19). We forgive, because we are forgiven (Ephesians 4:23). We honor God with our bodies because we, like ancient Israel, are bought with a price (I Cor. 6:19-20).
Beloved readers, Christ is the center of our lives and loves, the centerpiece of our Peace!! Although muted by this world's selfish aims and goals, his place will be front and center at his return.
III. DID YOU KNOW???? Answers to Questions and Kings...
1. There was king that had his thumbs and great toes cut off for having treated seventy captive kings in a similar manner. Who was he?
Answer: His name was Adoni-bezek, (Judges 1:6-7)- Read his story and his end.
2. There was a king in the Old Testament who reigned seven days and then cremated himself. Who was he?
Answer: His name was Zimri: You can read his story in I Kings 16:15-18- This occurred during the period of Israelite history of the divided Kingdoms of Judah and Israel.
3. There was a king who was very fat. He was so fat that when he was stabbed to death by a left-handed man, an unusual description, he died. Where and when was was such an event?
Answer: You find this in the book of Judges when Eglon, king of Moab, was stabbed by Ehud. (Judges 3:17, 21, 22) One of the most interesting periods in Israelite history is the 300 years period in which God raised up Judges to deliver the children of Israel from various oppressors. Here is an example of one of these Judges in a rather bazaar fashion delivering God's people from an oppressor.
IV. NUGGETS OF NOURISHMENT... How to Live a Deeper Christian Life...
Text: II Peter 1:1-15
Introduction: When we consider living a deeper more meaningful Christian life it comes from a transformation of our position and purpose before God. We all must acknowledge that Christ has taken us from the defeat of and condemnation of sin. He transformed us into a people who share in the victory of our Lord. (I Cor.15)
A. The Christian Life Begins with Faith and Obedience. (vs. 1-4)
B. The Christian Life Grows in Faith, Love, and Obedience. (vs.5-7)- From "root" to "fruit."
1. Goodness-
2. Knowledge-
3. Temperance- In what areas?
a) Our Tongues- Thoughtful language and communication.
b) Our Temperament- Our attitude and response to life in general.
c) Our Temptations- Equipped with the "whole armor of God."
4. Perseverance- (vs.6)- (Patience)
5. Godliness- (vs. 6)
6. Brotherly Kindness- (vs.7)
7. Love- (Agape love)- (vs. 7)
C. In Christian Life is God Expected us to Produce Results- (vs.8-10)
1. These Qualities- (some translations say "things")
2. Spiritual Discernment- To keep us from being led astray. Wisdom as we live.
3. Assurance of Our Salvation- This assurance helps us "endure."
4. Fruitful Living- As John 15 describes our fruitfulness as Christ is the vine and we are the branches. We remain in Him and He in us to make us fruitful.
V. QUOTABLE QUOTES... Some thoughts for the month...
1. "My interest is in the future, because I am going to spend the rest of my life there." Charles Kettering-
2. "You're young at any age if you are planning for tomorrow" His Place
3. "One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve." Dr. Albert Schweitzer
4. "Through the ages no nation has had a better friend than the mother who taught her children to pray." "The three great essentials of happiness are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." "The man who removes mountains begins by carrying away small stones." - from Just a Moment
VI. THE MESSAGE IS IN THE LYRICS... Consider this old hymn-
Title: Come, Thou Almighty King-
Brief Background: This is considered one of the oldest English hymns sung in the late 18th century. It was originally attributed to to Wesley but has since been revised to another English lawyer and orator. My hymnbook notes that it was sung as an "Italian hymn." It can be found in almost any hymnbook and if you read the lyrics they inspire worship and adoration to God in the Trinity. Here I will just share the first verse. Let this soak in and bless you today and in the month of June.
vs.1 Come, Thou Almighty King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise: Father, all glorious, O'er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of Days.