Wonderful Words of Life - Issue 4 - New Years Edition
By Dr. Keith J. Wise
Having received a number of interesting comments concerning Augustus and
Herod the Great in my Christmas issue, several wanted to know more
about the Herodian Dynasty. We won't spend a lot of time dealing with
Herod the Great, but just note he is the Herod of the Christmas story.
(Matt. 2:1; Luke 3:1) He ruled from 37-4 B.C. and was known as a master
builder in the mold of other Roman-Hellenistic rulers throughout the
Mediterranean Basin. Furthermore, he was considered cruel and ruthless
in his rule by his Jewish subjects. He rebuilt and enlarged the city of
Caesarea on the coast, called "Caesarea Maritima." It was a modern port
of the best technology of the day. (Poured cement through water to
create the Harbor) It contained magnificent aqueducts many of which are
seen today.
All the other Herods mentioned in the New Testament were the sons
or grandsons of Herod the Great. Herod's son Antipas succeeded him as
Roman governor of Galilee and Perea (Matt. 14:1). Antipas was
responsible for the imprisonment and death of John the Baptist (Luke
3:19, 20; Matt. 14:1-12).
Herod the Great's grandson Agrippa was named ruler over all of
Palestine by the Roman emperor Caligula. Agrippa is known as a
persecutor of early Christianity. He had James put to death and had
Peter arrested and placed in prison. (An Angel miraculously freed him)
Because of his cruelty and blasphemy, Agrippa was slain by an angel of
the Lord (Acts 12)
In A.D. 50, Agrippa's son, known as Agrippa II, was made ruler of
the kingdom of Chalcis. Later he was given Abilene, Trachonitis, Acra,
and important sections of Galilee and Perea. The only references to this
Herod in the New Testament occurs in Acts 25:13-26:32, which deals with
Paul's imprisonment in Caesarea. Agrippa listened to Paul's defense,
but the apostle appealed to Rome as a Roman citizen. In this case
Agrippa had no power to set him free.
The other two Herods mentioned in the New Testament are Herod
Archelaus (Matt. 2:22) and Herod Philip (Luke 3:1). Both of these
rulers were sons of Herod the Great; they ruled parts of the territory
previously administered by their father.
DID YOU KNOW? A Teaching Point...
The Church Is A Divine Organism of God and Christ Himself... (People)
As you drive up and down the average street of America there are
numerous church buildings with various traditions attached to them.
Some of these are based on the Bible and some are creations of man's
vanity or the whimsy of a time or period in history. However, our goal
in this blog is to call you to scripture and to scripture alone in our
understanding of what the Church is and how she functions. Here are
three of many points we could make concerning the Church.
I. The Church was Planned... The Apostles carried out the mandate
of the New Testament as Jesus instructed them.(Matt.28:16-20) Paul in
particular will say that the "... manifold wisdom of God" might be known in or through the church, and further that such as "according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Ephesians 3:10-11)
II. The Church was Promised... Besides the prophecies of the Old
Testament and pictures that Jesus said were declared about Himself.
(Luke 24:44) He declared to His Apostles "...upon this rock I will build my church..." (Matt. 16:18). Jesus Christ promised to begin the Church upon the foundation that He was "... the Christ, the Son of the living God." This was the great confession of Peter, not Peter himself.
III. The Church was Established... On the Day of Pentecost, fifty
days after Passover of the Passion, we see God's workmanship in power.
Here, the third person of the trinity, God the Holy Spirit, the
Comforter, Counselor, came in power to help us live out the Christian
Life in this new kingdom of God. Furthermore, entrance into this new
kingdom was provisioned by Peter who used the keys given by Christ to
declare the first sermon of the kingdom the church. So dramatic was this
event that as the Jews heard the saving message they believed that
Jesus was the Messiah and Savior. They responded by asking a question. "What shall we do?..." Peter, with the authority of an Apostle said, "...repent and be baptized...for the remission of sins..."(Acts 2:38). Then they that "...gladly received his words were baptized(immersed)... for the remission of sins." "And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."
(Acts 2:47) As people simply responded to the gospel the Church came
into existence. Initially, 3,000 responded to the "good news." The
Church then were simply those "called out" (ekklesia) from the world by
the gospel. (2 Thess. 2:14)
Text: Philippians 3:13-14
Introduction: It's that time of year again. Happy New Year!! As
Christians we pray we are wiser and more committed than this time last
year. God has guided us through mountain tops and valleys in ways we
know are within His providential care. Our physical, mental and emotion
health will be enhanced as we consider God's encouragement and our
"resolutions" based on His provisions and strength. Here are three
workable and practical "resolutions" in His power.
I. Commit Yourself to Forget Your Failures- Paul in our text today gives some of the best advice to travel our path in the future of 2017. "...forgetting what is behind..."
All of us have failed in some fashion in our lives over the past year.
In some way we may have made the wrong decisions, said or did the wrong
things, and in some cases relationships ended. God's Word would have
us claim the future and learn from that past and not be bogged down by
its weight. God is prepared to help you and I to anticipate the future
with His presence and His power. Consider the Children of Israel when
they, in one of their rebellious modes, God sent serpents among them.
Moses crafted a serpent on a staff for them to look at for healing from
the poisonous bit of the serpents. We sing the old hymn, "...Look and
Live..." meaning our Lord Jesus Christ who is able to deliver us from
sin and failure when we look on Christ by faith, and we walk in His
provision and faith. Look to Him not only in your initial salvation, but
in your walk as a Disciple day by day.
II. Commit Yourself to Give Up Your Grudges- Sometimes we, in
the midst of our hurt "rehearse" these painful feelings, not allowing
the forgiveness of God to work in us and releasing it to Him in prayer
and thanksgiving. Read again Colossians 3:12-14. This has great
advise for the Christian. Beloved, grudges are dangerous and
destructive. Grudges destroy marriages, break up families, ruin
friendships and split churches. God is speaking to all of us today in
III. Commit Yourself to Turn Your Back On Your Transgressions-
Here is a great illustration of this last point. After the Civil War,
history tells us that many slaves did not become free and take advantage
of the Emancipation- Proclamation of Abraham Lincoln. Many stayed on
the plantation with their former masters. If we are not careful as
Christians we can become comfortable with our old masters, of sin that
brings death. Romans 6:22 says, "...But now that we have been set
free from sin and have become slaves(servants) to God, the benefit you
reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life."
Conclusion: We have a "Bridge to the Future" which is Jesus
Christ our Lord. Employ these three great commitments for the New Year.
It will change and help you. Jesus, speaking of the past and future in
Luke 17 says simply "... remember Lot's wife..." She
looked back and died. You and I with the power of God helping, guiding,
and giving peace to us so we can Live, Live, Live... Lets just praise
the Lord for His everlasting provision.
Jack London... "A bone given to a dog is not charity. Charity is the
bone shared with the dog when you are just as hungry as the dog."
Helen Keller... "Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow."
Charles F. Kettering... "My interest is in the future, because I am going to spend the rest of my life there."
Short Thoughts... for good: Do something worth while when nobody makes you do it.
This day's sunset gives one less day to live, but one more day to remember and reflect.
MY CLOSING THOUGHT FOR A NEW YEAR... May Wisdom Guide You, True Love Bless You, And Peace Be Unto You... Dr. Keith J. Wise
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