JANUARY (2018) EDITION... By Dr. Keith J. Wise... A New Year...
I. Digging Deeper... Facts Concerning the Bible...
It has been said by many as a famous quote; "The Bible will keep one from sin, and sin will keep one from the Bible!" This is a great truth to help us understand how we can grow and avoid the tactics of the enemy. The Bible is indeed the "offensive" weapon in our spiritual arsenel.
Consider, the Bible is written and spoken to be the "Sword of the Spirit" (Eph. 6:17). Therefore, if one desires to be a disciple of the Lord, they should spend time in its study. It will dramatically help to prepare them to grow in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and discern and correct false teaching. (II Tim. 2:15; 3:16; II Pet. 3:15).
The historical translation of the (KJV) contains 3,566,480 letters, 773,746 words, 31,102 verses, 1,189 chapters and 66 books. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New. The Bible is composed of writings from about 40 men, writing over a period of some 1600 years, from 1500 B.C. until A.D. 100. It is primarily written in Hebrew, Koine Greek and Aramaic.
The Bible holds the distinction of being the first book printed with movable type, in A.D. 1450. The first Bible printed in America was in the Indian language, by John Eliot. The King James Version was published in 1611. The revised Version was published in 1885. The American Standard Version was published in 1901. Since then several excellent versions have appeared on the market. The Bible was divided into chapters by Cardinal Hugo in 1250. The New Testament was divided into verses by Sir Robert Stephens in 1551. The entire Bible was divided into chapters and verses in the "Geneva Bible" which was translated in 1560. This was also known as the "Breeches Bible" because it read, "They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves breeches." (Gen. 3:7)
The Red Letter Edition Bible was a product of Louis Klopsch. He was the first editor of the "Christian Herald" magazine. He printed the Red Letter Edition in 1901. He based this format from Luke 22:20, "This cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for you." He reasoned that all blood is red, thus Christ's words should be in red, as a constant reminded to the reader of redemption.
The Bible has been translated into almost every language and dialect in the world. It is the only book that gives a definitive answer to the question of man's origin, mission and destiny. Above all else, the Bible is a textbook on salvation, and should be seriously examined and studied, then carefully accepted and obeyed. Lastly, it should be religiously taught to all men. It is to that end that we write this material for your interest and edification.
After looking over the above facts, I would like to encourage our readers to accept the challenge to read the Bible on a regular basis. If you do, you will be blessed and those within your reach will be positively changed. Above all, your readers and listeners will be the recipients of the greatest gift to mankind, the living Christ.
II. NUGGETS OF NOURISHMENT... A Sermon for the New Year.. "The Jesus Creed...What Can It Mean in the New Year?"
Text: Mark 12:28-31
Introduction: Jesus in his early ministry, said and did many memorable works. His words and example have had implications both then, now and in eternity. To God in Christ the idea of love is overwhelming and demonstrated by His coming into the world. David Gill writes of two kinds of love: table love, which is the love of fellowship and communion, and cross-love, which is the love seen in sacrifice and devotion. As we enter the New Year of 2018 we need to consider the great response of Jesus (text above) to the inquire of one of the teachers of the law and our response to "The Jesus Creed."
A. Give God Your Heart- The heart is the center of one's affections. Think of what you love and what motivates you. It may be your spouse, your children, your best friend, job etc. Give what comes to mind right now and give it to God, by gently offering those affections and persons and ambitions to God through Christ today. He will multiply all types of categories connect to your heart.
B. Give God Your Soul- The soul is the center of your spirituality. Think of your relationship with God. It is what you deem most significant in your spiritual life and the core of your life's motivation. Just begin to consider the God of the Bible. It might begin with prayer or a personal time with God through mediating and Bible reading. If we partake of the "bread of life" (Jesus) daily it can cleanse us, wash us and prepare us to receive those truths that feed our souls. Remember what Jesus said to Satan in his wilderness temptation. "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God..."
C. Give God Your Mind- The mind is the center of your "rationality." Consider what you think about every day. Think of what you believe, and how you think. Consider your logic and does it make sense. As you read the Bible you thinking will become clearer and Christ will confirm this through what you read in His word. "...as a man thinks in his heart, so is he..."
D. Give God Your Strength- The word "strength" refers to our whole being. It can encompass our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional resources. The point here is that we are to love God through Christ with all we've got!! Without delineating too much, think of your body, your ambition, your dreams, and your bank account. Consider your insurance policies and your talents. Let God work through all of these to produce a much needed satisfying result.
Conclusion: To love is to give of ourselves; to love God is to give God all we are and all we have for He is the creator and manufacturer of all of us. Please remember this; God can do more with what your give Him, than what your can do with what you have by yourself. Consider Moses and his staff, the loaves and fishes of the young man who feed the five thousand. Surrender to God in Christ is the key to life.
1. But there are burdens heavier than a soldier's pack, declared President Eisenhower in his first inaugural address: "Americans, indeed, all free men, remember that in the final choice a soldier's pack is not so heavy a burden as a prisoner's chains."
2. I am the New Year. I am here... but once past, I can never be recalled. Make me your best. (selections from the Memorial Salesman.)
3. Emerson wrote: "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."
4. Flight of Worry- a quotable poem: "Things are seldom quite as bad as our expectations. Most of the facts that worry us are gross exaggerations. Sage philosophers remind us, if we would but heed, all fears would fly away like birds we cease to feed." (Poem by Mary O'Connor.)
IV. A Bridge To The Future... Some Thoughts for 2018...
Every generation of free people have had to face the daunting task of looking to the future. We know from the study of history that it will span victories and defeats, crowns and crosses, gains and losses. But as our forefathers did for us, so we must do for the generations that come after us. Building a bridge to the future takes time as we think of others who will come behind us. We must be unselfish in our task and focus.
If you look at a well made bridges, you will see a combination of wires that once put together, form an almost impregnable bond. As we think about our bridge to the future we can use the wires of firmness of purpose, courage, creative ideas, hard conscientious work, patience, team work, loyalty, love of liberty, faith in God and our future- "...righteousness exalts a nation, sin is a reproach to any people." (Prov. 14:34)
Each of us can help build this bridge by casting off defective wires of thinking in the areas of personal prejudice, discord and bitterness. Our lives will be made better or bitter by what we think and process every day in daily living. Consider building into your souls the very best qualities of our minds, heats and spirits. Thus, with a sense of community and togetherness we can be assured of success. We can build a bridge as a nation and people that build a positive result. This bridge to the future will stand in supreme strength against the destructive forces of our time.
A Word Of Thanks: This new year, 2018 begins our second year of publishing. I could not have taken on this course without the help of Mr. Troy Graham. Troy is young adult man who serves in the St. Louis congregation. Also, all the readers from America and on mission fields around the world who have read this material. We pray it has blessed you and helped you to excel in the Christian life.
Because of Him... Dr. Keith J. Wise- Happy New Year!
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