By Dr. Keith J. Wise
Introduction: We meet the month of September as a real period of beauty in a new and wonderful way. The trees in the midwest are beginning to turn their glorious colors and the temperatures are coming down to comfortable levels. The Native Americans or Indigenous populations of America had names for all the months and their moons. September was for many of them named "The Moon When the Calves Grow Hair." In scripture, God gave Noah and his family a promise after the flood found in Genesis 8:22 "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest,cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."
Here are few historical dates of importance in September: (1st) Beginning of WW II (1939), (2nd) Japan Surrendered (1945), (3rd this year) Labor Day, (10th) Admiral Perry defeated British fleet on Lake Erie (1813), (17th) Constitution of the United States signed (1787), (23rd) First day of Autumn or Autumn Equinox. Also: Birthstone- Sapphire, Flower- Morning Glory.
September is a great time to get you and your family back to church and regular worship. The vacations are usually done and a mark of a committed Christian is wanting to please the Lord. Hebrews 10:25 encourages us with these words. "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (NIV)
I. DIGGING DEEPER... A Lesson on Judgement from Joshua and Beyond-
Under Joshua's leadership the Israelites set up the tabernacle at Shiloh (Joshua 18:1) and until the time of the Judges it remained the central place of worship and the locality of the yearly festivals (Judges 21:19). It was kept under the charge of Eli the priest. The Philistines defeated the Israelites there and captured the ark, keeping it in their possession for some time (I Sam.4). Later it was returned, but not to Shiloh. The ark was first taken to Beth-shemesh (I Sam.6:12) and then to Kirjath-jearim (I Sam.7:1). Later, in the time of David, it was brought to Jerusalem. The family of Eli was later found at Nob (I Sam.22:11) but never at Shiloh. Why was the ark not returned to its place in Shiloh?
It is likely the Philistines destroyed the city when they fought against Israel, and thus there was no place in Shiloh for the Israelites to bring the ark. It is evident the city was destroyed before the time of Jeremiah because the prophet, declaring God's message, said, "But go ye now into my place which was in Shiloh, where I set my name at the first, and see what I did to it for the wickedness of my people Israel...Then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth" kjv (See Jer.7:12-14 and 16:6-9).
The Arab village at Seilun, located not far from Shechem (Jud. 21:19), has been identified as the ancient city of Shiloh. It was partially excavated between the years 1926-29 by a Danish archaeological expedition under the direction of Hans Kjaer. It was discovered that the city of Shiloh was inhabited and flourished in the 12th and 11th centuries B.C., and was destroyed in about 1050B.C. After this period it was deserted for several centuries. "The pottery indicates no settlement at Shiloh from about 1050B.C. until about 300B.C., although the possibility of an unimportant town at the site cannot be ruled out. (1)
Archaeology not only confirms the biblical record that the city was destroyed, but points out another item of interest not contained in scripture: "The potsherds reveal no evidence that there was ever a Canaanite settlement at Shiloh. The Hebrews appear to have founded the settlement after the conquest of Palestine." (2) Thus, they evidently built the city as a place to put the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant dedicated exclusively to Yahweh. There was no city there before that time.
Although the Bible does not record every detail in the historical record, what it does record is true and dependable. "The archaeological discoveries at Shiloh are all the more significant because scholars holding the critical view frequently assert in the past that the story of the tabernacle at Shiloh was a late fiction...However, what the Danish excavations revealed was that Shiloh was at the height of its prosperity in the period of the judges, as indicated in the Bible, and that it was destroyed by a fire in the days of Eli and Samuel (c.1050B.C.), it was evident that the skeptical attitude toward the historicity of these events was "sheer nonsense."(3) The excavations at Shiloh confirm and supplement the biblical record. The declarations of Scripture lead us to declare that God has spoken the truth. Therefore, we are to believe what God has said. As the prophet Amos said, "...seek the Lord and live..." The discoveries of the archaeologists confirm, and add weight to declare that God's Word is trustworthy. As we trust and search the Word of God, more of it will be understood and none of it will become contradictory.
1. Charles Fl Pfeiffer (ed.), The Biblical World (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1966), p. 523.
2. George A. Barton, Archaeology and the Bible (Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1937), p.128.
3. Joseph P. Free, Archaeology and Bible History (Wheaton: Van Kampen Press,1952),p.149.
Text: Matthew 22: 1-14
Introduction: In the year 1973 the then President of Great Lakes Christian College John Hasty, tells the story of being in Chicago for an Educators Conference. He recorded his impressions of activities in the City Hall Square in his college paper.
In one edge of the square a crowd passed out handbills, chanting, "Impeach Nixon Now!!" On another corner a group of Arab and Palestinian sympathizers were chanting against the American involvement in the Arab-Israeli War. Still louder in the middle of the square, a young women declared she was going to bare her breasts in protest of sexism in America at noon sharp. A team of policewomen abruptly stopped her show and escorted her into a waiting patrol car.
While watching all this activity, Mr. Hasty became aware of some music coming from the spire of the Temple Church. The carillon was playing its noontime concert. Above the din of the activity in the square the music tune of "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross" filled this world of confusion.
There amidst all the hate, sensuality, conflict and wantonness was the Christian message of salvation. However, no one was listening. The Wedding Feast of our text today suggests a similar theme: The feast was prepared, the messages sent out, but no one was listening. As verse 5 says: "But they paid no attention and went off...one to his field, another to his business." Not listening to God can have dire consequences.
Today, we need to consider some aspects of God's invitation to us who are Christian and a world in desperate need of repair, restoration and hope.
I. God Invites Us To A Celebration- The kingdom of heaven resounds with the music of festival. When we recall the pictures of rejoicing of the lost being found; we see the shepherd who found the lost sheep, the women who recovered her lost coin, or the father whose prodigal son returned home to receive a ring, a robe and the feast of the "fatten calf." The impulse here is to "throw a party."
Even more than today, weddings in Jesus time were an occasion of celebration. Fathers saved for years to provide hospitality for as many guest as possible in the small communities that dotted Israel. Such said Jesus was to be the atmosphere of God's Kingdom. In our parable the invitee was not just anyone but the king!! The recipients however were too busy with their lives of immediate gain, and were not willing to forsake their selfish pursuits for an eternal festival. (Lesson: Short Term vs. Long Term thinking and investment is important.)
II. God's Invitation Is To A Social Occasion- The parable reflects the fact that our Christian faith is "not" a solitary experience. The Kingdom of Heaven is an uncomfortable place for those who want to express faith "alone." God's fellowship goes contrary to the old gospel song "On the Jericho Road." "...On the Jericho Road there's room for just two: No more or no less, just Jesus and you." (Acts 2:42) (Lesson: This is not a command to come but an INVITATION to ATTEND!!)
Just a thought: The king in the parable has the right to "command" his subjects to come to the wedding feast but he does not and only invites. He prefers the company of those who want to be with him in fellowship.
I. Our King's Message Is An Invitation- He invited Israel through the Law and the Prophets to prepare for the festival through His Son as he now invites the world.
II. God Allows Us To Accept Or Refuse As With The Invitation to Israel- In our parable Jesus tells us the initial guests refused. Some were openly hostile, as throughout the history of Israel records and they rejected the King's invitation and murdered the messengers. (vs. 5) We see here a case of simply being "indifferent." They were busy with their own interests and themselves in their daily life. Likewise today our culture worships at the altar of "self" indifferent to the invitation of God.
To this unbelievable rejection of the King's Invitation, he sent his armies and destroyed such thankless subjects. (vs.6) In application the city of Jerusalem was destroyed twice in its history: Once under the Babylonians and later under the Romans. Indifference, selfishness and thanklessness can bring destruction. But we lean a third lesson.
III. God Will Continue Seeking Until He Finds Suitable Guests- In our parable it is instructive that the whether we accept the invitation or not, the party will go on. God and His eternal purposes will be fulfilled in his eternal wisdom and perfect completion. There are the cynics, rebels and haters of God; but they can not thwart the King(God's purposes). Remember, in chapter 21, the King sends is own son to inspect the vineyard and the "tenants" kill the son. God has paid a price of the "right" of invitation beyond our selfish schedules and lives!!
Lesson: When the time came for the wedding feast, the King sent out His servants to invite the "good and bad" or now symbolic of the Gentiles and the world to this feast with his invitation. Under normal circumstances the upper classes and middle classes in Israel were given a "wedding garment" to wear at the dinner or feast. Here it was a requirement in our parable. To not wear it was akin to "rejecting" the King's invitation. We must attend the feast on the King's terms. As the King observed the crowd he notice an obnoxious guest who was not clothed in the King's wedding garment. This guest had no response to the King's question: "Friend...how did you get in here without wedding clothes?"
Short Talking Points: The Question of "Worthiness" or "Unworthiness."
1. What made the first guest unworthy? Answer: Only their refusal to accept the King's invitation.
2. What made the "obnoxious" guest unworthy? Answer: He did not come to the feast through the King's channels or obedience by not wearing the King's wedding clothing.
3. What made the all the other guest "Worthy?"- Answer: They simple accepted the invitation of the King and his channels of obedience. Later in the New Testament this is called "...putting on Christ."
Conclusion: The invitation to the great feast is open 24/7 and as Christians we must obey the channels of obedience directed by the King. Look in the New Testament and see the plan of salvation: Faith, Repentance, Confession, Baptism in water for the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit all will sustain us in our journey to bear fruit and growth in Christ to the great Supper of the Lamb that is coming. By Faith we know the King is Coming and table has already been set for the whole world. (Amen)
1. A noted writer of the 1950's and 60's was Ruth Smeltzer from Denver, Colorado. Some of her quotes were called "Smeltzerisms." Here are a few.
a. "The unlovable child needs love most."
b. "Kindness is not enough. The Bible says, "loving kindness."
c. "If you are too busy to be kind, you are too busy."
2. Peter Marshall, one of the most celebrated Chaplins of the U.S. Senate left us with a great number of sermons and prayers from his tenure in this position. From one of his noted prayers comes this excerpt: "Give us clear vision, that we may know where to stand and what to stand for- because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything."
3. A mental health tip: "Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength. It does not enable us to escape the evil; it makes us unfit to cope with it when it comes. God promises that "as thy days, so shall thy strength be." (Deut. 33:25) Also consider I Peter 5:6-7.
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